If you can dream it…
Then we can build it, give us a shout.

We do great custom web design and dev.


300+ Clients helped


1240 Gigabytes traffic per month


35 Handsome individuals

Maya Angelou

"You can't
use up creativity.
The more you use, the more you have".

We give your brand definition online by bolstering its personality, communicating the values you stand for as well as the services you provide. We show your customers what makes your business a unique entity – one that is perfect for them, AND their pockets.

It's not one size fits all...

The right
solution for you.

One size doesn’t fit all – you require a solution tailored to your particular challenges. We treat brands as unique as individuals. Which is why when we do our brand and competitor analysis of your business, you’re given the competitive edge in a ruthless marketplace.

and UI / UX design.

We ensure that your customers have the best experience of your brand when interacting with your company. Our experience is based on the principle of intuition.

The designers in our team carefully map out how the interaction between customer and business will unfold… and develop the UI and UX best suited for that. Moreover, they add the artistic touch to the design, gifting an experience that will give your customers a smile-in-the-mind.

Custom vs off the rack CMS

What's the difference?

We have our own CMS

Security concerns.
Many freely available platforms like WordPress have some serious security concerns. There are ways to mitigate these, but do you really want to build your site on the platform that accounts for 90 percent of all hacked CMS sites?

Customer development = custom design

Ever had a look at your top competitor?
We all know that feeling: visiting your competitor’s site and instantly feel the class, the style, and the contemporary, indescribable sensation of: “This is actually pretty good.” Well, odds are that it’s custom work, because custom can do anything…

Are you a round peg in a square hole?

It’s never easy to “fit in” – is it?

Your company’s branding is a big deal. It’s what sets you apart from your competitors. Should your site not do the same? How has your corporate identity been bent and broken to fit into a pre-designed theme? We won’t do that to you or your brand… promise!


A Professional Website
Development Company With
The User-Experience In Mind

With every high-quality website we develop and design, we prioritise the user-experience without compromising on the website design or the main objective.

Whether it’s website development or app development, we believe that the navigation experience is the most critical aspect of successful project. We, therefore, ensure that we create the very best User Experience (UX) design, User Interface (UI) and all-round customer experience possible. We pride ourselves in implementing responsive design so that your website will function equally as well as it looks, on any of the range of browsing devices, whether it’s on desktop, laptop, tablet, or smart phone.

We Do Great

Custom web design
based around your
needs, as well as
your customers'

One size doesn’t fit all – we know that you require a solution tailored to your particular web design challenges. We’re known to treat brands as unique as individuals because we know that they are. It doesn’t matter what your requirements for your website are, we can custom design and develop it around your specific needs – as well as that of your customers.

At FGX we believe in “mobile-first”. With more than half of searches and website visits occurring on mobile, we make optimising for mobile a priority. We make sure that the visitors to our client’s site have the same seamless experience on their cell phones, as they would on their desktops, with content that easily flows between the two for an outstanding experience.

Stand out
Web Development

That will make your
business stand out

In an ever-increasing, competitive market, we know that our clients need to have every possible edge over their competitors. Through comprehensive market research on the industry, as well as thorough and complete brand and competitor analysis, to know what you, and we’re, up against to give your business the competitive edge to come out on top. We make sure you have a website that not only keep customers around but make them want to buy your products or pick up the phone and start conducting business with you.

The designers and developers in our team carefully map out how the interaction between your customers and business will unfold and develop the best suited UI and UX, accordingly. Moreover, they add the artistic touch to the design, gifting an experience that will give your customers a smile-in-the-mind.

Why Choose FGX

As your website development

Creative Impact

Being an experienced website development company in Johannesburg, we’ve built thousands of websites over the years, as well as reputation for being a leader in the industry as well. Through providing affordable and cost-effective web development packages, we’re able to build world-class websites anyone, whether they’re a small business or a large corporate enterprise. Our website design track record speaks for itself, take a look at our portfolio page for professional web development examples.

We know that no matter how much thought and effort you put into website strategy, user-experience, interface, or design, if your site doesn’t function properly, customers will stay away. That is why we take every care in building websites that don’t only look good, but functions as it should as well.

In addition to a website that functions well, we provide web analytics and monthly reporting. This data and information will help you keep track of who visited your website, what the end-users looked for, and which pages they have browsed the most. Our ongoing consulting services can also guide you in updating your existing website for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to ensure ranking on Google.


Your brand with our full customised
Web Development Solutions

In today’s competitive world, brand growth is vital to the success of any business. If you can grow your brand, chances are that your sales will increase.
A well-developed website forms part of your digital marketing strategy, in conjunction with your business’s social media and is crucial to its overall success.

If you need to have a fully customised website that seamlessly aligns with your brand, we can help. We know that one size does not fit all. We can help you launch or re-establish your business in the digital space to give it the credibility it deserves.

We give your brand definition online by bolstering its personality through website development that matches it. We make sure that your new website communicates the values you stand for as well as the services you provide by showing your customers what makes your business unique and better than that of your competitors.

Your company’s branding is a big deal. It’s what sets you apart from your competitors. Your website should do the same. We won’t allow your corporate identity to get bent and broken to fit into a pre-designed theme. We customise our web development techniques and expertise around your and your business’s needs.


Custom Vs Off the Rack CMS

We prefer to have our own CMS. The reason? Many freely available platforms like WordPress have serious security concerns. There are ways to mitigate these, but do you really want to build your site on the platform that accounts for 90 percent of all hacked CMS sites? We thought not. For premium security in your web development, get in touch with us today.

We would love to hear from you.

Let’s talk.

We would love to chat, give us a shout and let’s discuss your project and how we can help you make it a reality. We love to make things happen, let’s fill in the blanks and get you on the map today.

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