With social media increasing content virality and bad news spreading much faster than good, online reputation management has never been more important. FGX will protect, repair and build your brand’s reputation in conversations that happen anywhere and on many different platforms. We further help you keep an eye on influential people in your industry and network, helping to guide your content to be current and relevant in conversations.
A great online reputation starts with great search results. What shows up on the first page of the search results can make or break your company or career. And, with 71% of consumers starting their journey with a Google search, no business can afford to show up on the SERPs appearing untrustworthy and disreputable. This is where ORM tools and accurate reporting come into play.
92% of users do not go past Page 1 for any given search, making page 2 of Google not only the best place to hide a dead body, but also where you want to push negative sentiments. We further help you create and promote a positive brand image by creating and promoting the right sentiment for you. Let us help you protect your online reputation, by putting your best foot forward.
By tracking and finding mentions of you or your brand online (no matter which platform) we can spot and address any issues or complaints straight away, putting out small fires before they become big problems. This approach not only ensures higher customer satisfaction but also allows you to build stronger relationships with your customers by showing that you care.
Did you know that 83% of people expect responses to social media comments in a day or less, regardless of the platform they are communicating on? Seems daunting right? But rest assured that we can spot any posts or negative comments and deliver a prompt response, feedback online while showing off great customer service.